When a family loses a loved one in an accident caused by the negligence of another party, the loss will likely be more devastating than if it was a natural death. Although the surviving family members may file a wrongful death lawsuit, the void left by the loss will remain. A British Columbia pedestrian recently lost his life when a vehicle struck him.
According to authorities, the incident occurred near Abbotsford on Highway 1 in the early morning hours of a recent Monday. Abbotsford police reported that a 47-year-old man was crossing the highway at approximately 3.30 a.m. when a westbound vehicle smashed into him. An Upper Fraser Valley RCMP accident report indicated that the victim had already succumbed to his injuries by the time police arrived at the accident scene.
No details were reported about the driver who knocked the man down. Along with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the British Columbia Coroners Service and Abbotsford police investigated the scene. Reportedly, traffic on the westbound lanes of Highway 1 was diverted and it only reopened at about 8 a.m.
If this fatality was the result of the driver’s negligence, the deceased man’s family will be entitled to pursue recovery of financial and emotional damages. However, establishing negligence may prove to be challenging — especially since the pedestrian was said to be crossing the highway in the middle of the night. An experienced wrongful death attorney can help to assess the viability of a claim, and provide assistance throughout any legal proceedings that may follow.
Source: CBC News British Columbia, “Pedestrian struck and killed by vehicle on Highway 1 near Abbotsford“, Nov. 14, 2016