No one wants to live with chronic pain. It’s debilitating, and it is able to drain a person’s energy quickly. Those who are in severe car accidents or who suffer injuries to the head may find that they’re constantly tired, fatigued or feel in pain, and even if compensation is awarded, there may not be much in the way of treatment. The pain may go on for weeks, months or years, but now, there may be an explanation.
After a head injury, you may discover that you’re suffering from a lot of pain. The pain may not be where you think it should be; it may feel like your arms hurt, your back is sore or your legs ache. Chronic pain is a way of life for some, but understanding how it comes about after a head injury can be helpful in relieving it.
According to a report from Medical News Today, chronic pain may be linked to changes in the immune system on a genetic level. Peripheral nerve injuries have been linked to functional changes in the brain. These changes occur in the prefrontal cortex, which is known for playing a part in emotional and sensory functions. Unfortunately, if that part of the brain is working improperly, it can affect chronic pain levels, too.
What scientists have been able to discover is that genetic modifications can take place after an injury. Being able to turn those changes back to normal can alter how the brain works and potentially relieve a person from chronic pain.
While chronic pain can be managed now, the news that there has been a link discovered may help many overcome pain in the future.
Source: Medical News Today, “Chronic pain may be linked to genetic changes in the immune system,” Yvette Brazier, Feb. 01, 2016