A gifted young soccer player in British Columbia lost his life in a crash while he was travelling home after a recent practice session. According to a crash report by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, the fatal car accident occurred at about 9 p.m. on a recent Wednesday. The 17-year-old boy survived the wreck but succumbed to his injuries two days later.
The RCMP says a female was driving a Cadillac travelled along a Surrey road when it struck another vehicle, but instead of stopping at the scene, she continued driving. She then smashed into the car of which the young soccer star was an occupant. Another 17-year-old teenager was reported to have been with him, but no information was reported about that victim’s condition.
Reportedly, the driver of the Cadillac was a 22-year-old woman. Vancouver Police says drugs and alcohol might have played a role in the crash. Reportedly, the woman was arrested after the crash that involved the teenagers, but she was released from custody later. Investigators are continuing the investigation.
If there is any indication that another party’s negligence caused a car accident, injured victims and the surviving family members of those that lost their lives have the right to pursue recovery of damages. Proving negligence is typically a challenge, and often best accomplished with the assistance of an experienced personal injury lawyer. For this reason, many people in British Columbia choose to utilize the support and guidance of such a professional to navigate wrongful death or personal injury lawsuits for them. Successful presentation in a civil court can lead to a monetary judgment that will cover medical expenses, end-of-life costs, lost income and more.
Source: CBC News British Columbia, “17-year-old killed in car crash identified as ‘gifted’ soccer player“, May 6, 2017