Brain injuries can instantly change the victim’s life. These horrible injuries can also affect those who are close to the victim. Each year, thousands of Canadians suffer from a brain injury. In most of those cases, the victim is a young adult.
One of the areas of the person’s life that can be affected is the emotional state of the victim. In some cases, the emotional changes are caused by the brain injury. In other cases, the problem is compounded by the high level of frustration that some brain injury victims feel as a result of the slow recovery process.
In some cases, the victim can suffer from forms of memory loss. This might involve short-term memory loss, but long-term memory loss can also be a problem. The victim might have trouble remembering faces, names and other details that people count on while they complete daily activities.
Depression and feelings of isolation can also occur. These can affect the brain injury victim’s emotional health, but it can also affect the person’s social life. Making new friends and maintaining existing friendships can often be very difficult.
On top of the difficulty with friends, being in social situations might be difficult because of some of the physical effects of the brain injury. Loud talking and less-than-adequate social skills can make being in public places difficult.
Brain injuries can affect victims in a variety of ways. The factor that brings all brain injury cases together is that the recovery is usually slow and very complex. This means that the victim might have considerable medical bills because of all the appointments necessary to come up with treatment plans and monitor progress. With that in mind, some brain injury victims or their family members might choose to seek compensation for the damage done by the injury.
Source: Brain Injury Association of Canada, “What is a Brain Injury?,” accessed June 26, 2015